Thursday 2 January 2014

New Years Resolutions

I am useless at sticking to goals and then I feel disheartened so these are things I'm aiming to do as well as secretly hoping to achieve :). 

• A house. Yes a bit ambitious but we have put an offer on one so fingers crossed this one works out. We have been trying and failing to get a house for over 4 years so we really hope it will work out this year. 

• A new car. Mine is a death trap and is now costing more to fix than it is worth. I've had it for 6 years and it is the only car I have had so I feel the need to upgrade to a nicer car. I really want a mini or an Astra but I'm awful at parking so not sure a bigger car is for me (my car is a corsa). 

• Get fit. This is probably on everyone's lists! I don't want to lose weight, I just want to tone up again. I used to jog three times a week and workout 4 times a week (aerobic and mostly abs and legs). I'm naturally slim but I would like a bit more shape and tone so I look less like a bean pole and more like a woman. 

• Be more confident. I doubt I will ever feel confident about myself all the time but I am slowly getting there. A mixture of depression/ anxiety and panic attacks usually get in the way of normal day to day life but I'm really hoping to get on top of them this year. 

• A better blog! With my sisters help I will hopefully have a better understanding of what it is I'm actually doing. I don't even know how to do simple things and I want to make my blog stand out a bit more and attract more readers. How, I'm not sure yet! 

• Promote my business more and set up a website. I have my own beauty business and work freelance as well as in a salon. I feel I need to add some more treatments and overhaul the whole business, including adding a website. Which I am clueless on! Any help would be gladly received! 


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