Thursday 5 September 2013

Rae Morris Makeup The Ultimate Guide

I treated myself to this book as it had been on my Amazon wish list for months! I have quite a few makeup books now and I did think about doing a post about them all but they are packed away in boxes ready to be moved to our new house when we get it. They are mostly Bobbi Brown books and a few others but my friend lent me a Kevyn Aucoin book- Making Faces, which is one of my favourites! 

The reviews on Amazon for Makeup: The Ultimate Guide are full of positive comments so I couldn't wait to get it and have a read! Rae Morris is a very successful Makeup Artist and author and knows all there is to know about makeup. In this book she goes through techniques, brushes and tricks of the trade with amazing photos and step-by-step guides to make the looks easy to follow. Now I have read a lot of makeup books and picked up things along the way whilst I'm working on brides etc but this book has tips that I have never even thought to do, I find myself reading it and thinking 'oh yeah, what a great idea' and wondering why i didn't think of that before! 

The layout of this book is different to most makeup books which is refreshing and makes me want to read it more. Instead of the usual prep, foundation and concealing, powders/bronzers/blush, eyes and lips etc routine, this book starts with brushes and skin prepping, moving onto eyebrows, eyelashes and eyeshadows. This is because its better to do the eyes before doing foundation as its easier to wipe away fall down from shadows and the eyes are one of the main features of the face so why not spend more time doing them. The looks created in this book are incredible! The photos haven't been touched up, which goes to show how good Rae is at makeup. 

Comparing this book to other makeup books, I like how this one is set up as it is easy to read and follow. When reading the step by step guides, I can imagine actually putting them into practice and creating the looks. I also like that there is a tip accompanying the guides, as if someone is there teaching you in person and prompting you. I have so far read this book twice and keep going back to it again and again. I will definitely be keeping hold of it for years to come and re-creating the looks, in particular the over 40s section as I sometimes get stuck with this age group. Definitely get this book! 


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